It was dedicated to a wee girl, because she turned 10 years old on Thursday, which did require some quality family time... in the Modern Family sense of things.
The Man's daughter Abi is now officially in her double figures... time flies. Meh.
And because she is, altogether, not your princessy kinda gal, we took her to the Royal Armouries to look at weapons, warriors and other dangerous stuff.
Want to join us on a little trip?
real live arrows with real pointy edges!
wait for it... WAIT for it...
ka- POW!!! She hit the target multiple times
aaah... japanese tranquility...
dude... TRANQUILITY, get me?
He's wearing authentic armour, no replica for this gentleman!
Chinese warriors look a lot friendlier than their Japanese counterparts.
This guy and his horse ARE replica, but still amazing.
How was this poor creature supposed to see where it was treading?
men at arms... tooth pick, anyone?
Mind you, those are life sized!
this, too, is life sized. The wee dude wearing this would have been about 5 or 6...
... whereas this big dude (original painting!) killed a couple of wives and
ROYALLY cheesed off the pope. So he went ahead and made
his own church. As you do.
yeah, too much education makes me aggro, too. Go kill 'em, kid.
I SAID KID!!! Meh...
See, again, I broadened your horizon. You can thank me later, that's okay.
We really had a great day, lots of laughs and so much food and sweets that it'll take weeks to detox.
Best of all? Apart from paying 3 quid for 8 arrows on that really cool crossbow shooting range, the whole thing was free!
Yup- many museums in Britain are free. (less and less, mind you, but there is still a lot of cool stuff that won't charge a penny, which is pretty amazing.) So we were okay with spending 30 quid on food and drinks in a nice family pub afterwards, sitting in deep leather chairs, comparing the pictures we took. (one of Abi's gifts was my old- ish digital pocket camera with a new memory card, so she can take photos to use in her pretty sophisticated digital collages she has taken up creating recently)
So... no spooky deeds for now, I'm afraid, but I hope you enjoyed the little tour through our Royal Armouries. We sure did, one of the best days I have had in a long, long time!
Abi learns to use PicMonkey
I shall be back at work tomorrow, so my posts will be a bit less regular, but don't think for a minute the Great Glitzy CraftOff is done- there's a lot up my sleeve I shall have to share with you in the days to come whenever I get the time!
Have a great Sunday!